JustaHub is designed by and for creators to become a platform of shared resources (equipment - spaces - tools), knowledge and skills. JustaHub offers a place for work and production - studios and exhibition space (‘virtual’ ‘real’)

.JustaHub is a collective project that offers common resources for creatives to produce and showcase professionally their ‘work together’. 

JustaHub teaches the relevance of our practices when combined by designing common activities (events - workshops) - to learn how to be ‘stronger together’ by working together. 

JustaHub hopes to support the local and global economical development of artistic and creative practices through a better use and purpose of ‘shared’ online platforms for sharing creative content (community radio - music label)

JustaHub creates activities  - training programmes where young and senior artists can benefit from collaborating together in co/designed creative projects - to encourage transmission as a tool for building a solid and ‘wise’ common future for our common culture. 

JustaHub creates projects to build educational and cultural programmes for the future - with Patrick Geddes's - mantra 'think global - act local'.

“change or adapt and new pieces can be assembled by responding to people’s interactions [...] and the diverse activities that take place within it.
— (Sendra, Designing Disorder, p59).