Kansanga 001 (Website).jpg

2019 - PRESENT

The creators of JustaHub have initiated a monthly recycling and street cleaning program around the neighbourhood - in collaboration with the local council of the Makindye division of Kampala. The local authorities got involved in the project by valuing and encouraging this partnership which helps them to improve the living conditions of their fellow citizens.

Louis Rwamafa - coordinator of this initiative has developed a program of activities for local communities from the ghettos of Makindye district.

These 'open’ workshops range from renting, making household items made from recycling - to decorating homes with natural paints made from locally sourced materials.

The idea of ​​the project - on an ongoing basis - is to reconnect with a "know-how" allowing the most disadvantaged populations to benefit - to the skills and resources of the creators of Justahub.